“Swallowed Star” is an animated adaptation set in the Blood Luo Continent, where a young protagonist, Luo Feng, navigates a world filled with powerful warriors and ancient mysteries. The continent is marked by its brutal hierarchy and fierce competitions among martial artists seeking strength and survival. Luo Feng, gifted yet underestimated, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, honing his abilities and confronting formidable foes. The story explores themes of perseverance, friendship, and the struggle for power, as Luo Feng strives to rise against the odds and uncover the secrets of his world. Intense battles and emotional growth define his quest.
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Swallowed Star Movie Blood Luo Continent
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Status: Ongoing Network: Tencent Penguin Pictures Released: Oct 12, 2024 Duration: 30min Season: 2024 Country: china Type: TV Episodes: 3 Fansub: chineseanime.in Censor: Censored
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